5 Facts About Brown Recluse Spiders That Could Prevent a Prepper From Being Bit by One

brown recluse spider

If you’ve ever had a spider bite you know it’s not a comfortable sensation. A spider is never out to get someone but we sort of live in the same space and if it feels you are invading theirs, well, there just might be conflict.

A recluse spider, which in our youth was called a fiddleback spider, are tricky. They hide in dark corners and you can also find them under beds, boxes or bookshelves!

Still, he is really not such a bad guy. He’s not really aggressive. However, he will bite you if push comes to shove. It’s important to be careful because recluse spiders possess a powerful poison!

While most reactions to a recluse spider bite are mild there have been occasions when a bite can be fatal! This effect is more common in obese victims, because the venom destroys adipose tissue. It is also more often fatal in children!

Go over to the next page and check out five facts about brown recluse spiders that could prevent a prepper from being bitten.

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  1. Damon J. Young said:

    This whole article did not say one thing about how not to get bitten. This information pretty much says they live where we live and it sucks to get bitten. At least they said venomous and not poisonous.


