5 Common Knife Beliefs That Turn Out to Be False

knife in a tree

If you've ever read something compelling over the internet that you assumed was factual you're not alone. It's easy to go to a favorite site and read up on the issue and believe that they are telling the truth. And it's pretty common for sites to repeat something over and over again, which makes it natural to believe everything that's written. However, sometimes it's not true.

And this same belief system is affecting your knowledge about knives.

Fact and fiction get mixed up which can lead to a lot of confusion. After that point, it's difficult for a survivalist to decide what to buy let alone know if the recommended knife is high quality or flawed.

People and preppers who appreciate knives and have many as a part of their arsenal should understand that once was considered true hundreds of years ago may no longer be factual today. For example, if your grandfather says your new knife isn't that fantastic because his old knife is far much better, in reality, your new knife could be well known in the market today because it's made to last.

After the break, we'll begin unmasking some truths about knives that today are false. Are you ready to dispel some myths?! Keep reading because you may be surprised to discover that those facts you believed were written in stone are not longer true. 

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  1. Leonard Nuda Waya Siebert said:

    The Buck 119 is an excellent first long knife. I have advised them for years and given them to friends everywhere. You need a long knife so get a Buck 119 as it won’t break the bank and do everything you need it to do.

  2. Gino Viviani said:

    right off the bat, number 1 and number 4 are wrong. In number 1 the hardness you can achieve is directly related to the alloy chosen so the type of steel matters. In number 4, forging work the steel and builds different properties such as hardness and elasticity. The choice of hot forging vs cold rolled depends on…you got it….number 1, the type of steel chosen. Article is 50% BS right of the bat.

  3. Gino Viviani said:

    that is a very good general purpose fixed blade. I like the good old 110 for portability. But in reality my swiss army camper gets the most use.

  4. Jana Johnson said:


  5. Dante Madraso de Castilla said:

    I have a blade that’s not much to look at, but has been reliable for me ever since my Grandpa gave it to me 30+ years ago. I’ve also had a “high end” blade snap on me when I needed it most.

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