Doomsday Asteroid Discovery!

When I read online that an ancient asteroid was recently (as in, just a few days ago) discovered in Australia my eyes bugged out like two giant saucers. How many of these are laying around undetected by researchers? Call me a nerd, but I find this kind of thing absolutely fascinating. How old is ancient? How big was it? What lead this team of researchers to discover this particular asteroid? What was the impact of this asteroid? See? So many questions.

Original Image Source: photosteve101

Luckily, I wasn’t the only one excited about this news! So when I began my online search for tidbits and discussion boards I was pleasantly surprised with the information I found as well as the people commenting on blogs and videos with their own insight, concerns, and theories surrounding asteroids. If you have some time, I highly suggest that you do the same – some of the discussion boards are really entertaining!

But regarding this recent asteroid in Australia, I’m going to defer to the professionals to discuss the details of their findings. Continue on to page 2 to read what they found!


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