40 Signs That’ll Tell a Person Whether They’re a Hardcore Prepper or Not

hardcore prepper

As preppers, there are certain things we do on a daily basis to help prepare us for that day when the collapse is here. For example, we might have a bunker full of food and supplies and several weapons stored somewhere safe in our house.

We may also know how to identify edible plants in the forest and know several different ways to build a fire.

However, if you only store supplies occasionally for an earthquake and aren't quite sure whether you're preparing for something that may happen or something that is going to happen, get ready to read some signs that'll tell you where you stand.

Whereas some of these signs may seem ridiculous, others many people every day without even realizing it. Either way, the truth will soon be revealed. Are you a hardcore prepper or not?!

To read 40 signs that'll tell whether you're a dedicated prepper who is waiting for the collapse to arrive, check out the next page. 

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  1. Jay Genske said:

    And a true serious prepper will fly under everyone else s radar un-noticed


