40 Revealing Signs That’ll Reveal a Person is a Prepper

hardcore prepper

Preppers no doubt get criticized and teased by their friends and family that aren't preppers. However, we know that when a disruptive event occurs that those will be the people that turn to us for help.

Now, there is actually a list of signs that will tell you if you are definitely a prepper. Some of these on this list may make you laugh while others are so true!

The Signs That Are Definitely A Prepper Include: 

  1. You pray that there will be a LifeStraw in the box of Cracker Jacks.
  2. You have more than 4 non-electric can openers.
  3. You ask your realtor to find you a house that’s out of the path of nuclear fallout.
  4. You own wheat that’s older than any of your children.
  5. You own a case of Marlboro and Jack Daniels even though you don’t drink or smoke.
  6. Your dream home is a house made out of shipping containers.
  7. You need a moving truck to haul all of your groceries.
  8. Your idea of game night with the family is racing to see who can get their hazmat suit on the fastest.
  9. Your wife wants an All-American Pressure Cooker as her Silver Anniversary Gift.
  10. You’ve considered standing on a street corner with a sign that says “Will Work for Dryer Lint”.
  11. You own the book “100 Ways to Cook Ramen Noodles”.
  12. You bought an Old English Sheep Dog because you believe you can crochet sweaters out of his fur.
  13. You’ve wondered if there are any viable uses for belly button lint.
  14. You take more home from the county dump than you leave.
  15. You think watching “Doomsday Preppers” is window shopping.
  16. Costco calls YOU when they’ve run out of TP.
  17. You’ve ever taste-tested the dog and cat food “just in case.”
  18. You’ve learned to crochet bandages.
  19. You buy duct tape by the case.
  20. You own more body armor than dress shirts.
  21. You have a different alias for every Prepper Site you visit.
  22. You refuse to purchase any food that expires prior to 2020.
  23. You refuse to go out to dinner because “that can buy an entire box of ammo!”
  24. Your dogs all have their own bug out bag.
  25. You see a “72 Hour Kit” and laugh in scorn while thinking to yourself, “Amateurs!”
  26. Your motto is “there’s nothing I can’t can!”
  27. You actually get excited when rough weather comes your way.
  28. Costco, Sam’s Club, and Zaycon Foods all name you Customer of the Year!
  29. You fantasize about getting your paycheck cashed in all pre-1964 dimes and quarters.
  30. You view dandelions as food!
  31. Your monthly prepping supplies budget exceeds all of your other bills.
  32. You’re jealous of the guy who owns an old underground military bunker.
  33. You’ve enrolled all the kids in Krav Maga as soon as they can walk.
  34. Your 8 year-old asks for a lock-pick set for Christmas and you happily comply.
  35. You know what a Diva Cup is.
  36. You store lemon juice and SOS pads with your other weapons.
  37. You’ve deliberately created squeaky floor boards in your home for self-defense purposes.
  38. You view dead appliances as possible Faraday Cages to bury in the back yard.
  39. You consider weevils “extra protein.”
  40. Your family vacations are limited only to those states where you can legally carry concealed.

All good preppers have probably done many of these things and more even if they don't admit to it. Chances are if you've done even a few of these things you are definitely a prepper. It isn't anything to be ashamed of though and you should be proud to call yourself a prepper because you'll be better off when SHTF. How many of these have you done before?

To find out more signs that you might be an official prepper, please visit Preparedness Pro.


  1. Barrett-Mills Angel Rosa Siul said:

    Lemon juice i believe can give you the same curret as a 9 volt battery. The sos pad is there as a conductor. When the two of them are put together you should be able to start a fire

  2. Barrett-Mills Angel Rosa Siul said:

    Youre welcome. You can also use a lemon a couple of nails and small gauge wires to make a fire too. Just google the list of materials and it will tell you

  3. Trevor Parsons said:

    Sign #1. They are constantly talking about depressing$#%&!@*and scenerios that will never happen.

    End of list

  4. Denise Burgwin said:

    Hilarious! But a lot are true for us!

  5. Gary Wanzer said:

    You might find out someone is a prepper when u see they have 6 cases of toilet paper 2300lbs of dried beans 150 gallons of water and 1000 rounds of ammunition for each gun they have

  6. Charlie Bear said:

    Our sow was called pork chop and our extra roosters were dumpling, noodle, fricassee, and nugget. Key word ( was, and were ) we are waiting on replacements lol

  7. Dan Bailey said:

    And what you going to do when all that runs out. Most of todays society does not know how to toil the soil, find water sources ect they think 50 guns and 10,000 rounds of amo is most important

  8. Ivah Onstott said:

    All that prepping does nothing if you don’t have the knowledge to survive behind it. I don’t consider myself a prepper. I teach myself things and I’ve always known how to garden because my parents did so.

  9. Dan Bailey said:

    Correct the tools for farming is much more important ( and the skills to use them ) i dont understand the peppers and the gun thing.


