4 Survival Recipes Everyone Should Know by Heart

hardtack survival food

Every prepper knows that having good tasting food is not always the most important thing when an emergency event takes place. You need food that will last for a long time, will give you the energy and nutrition you need and is easy to store.

All of the recipes every prepper should know meet these requirements. If you want to consider yourself a serious prepper and you don't already know how to make these things, you should learn as soon as possible. It may be what helps you survive post-collapse!

Recipes Every Prepper Should Know Include:


This is crazy simple to make, and was a staple food for Native Americans. It stores well and contains enough nutrients that you can effectively survive off it for a long time.


2 cups dried crushed meat
2 cups dried crushed berries or dates
1 cup melted fat
1/2 cup crushed nuts
1/4 cup honey

Trim all of the fat off the meat,  dry in a dehydrator until it cracks and breaks. If it bends, there’s still too much moisture in it. Do the same thing with the berries. Render fat into a liquid form, crush  nuts. You can grind them if you want, or leave them a bit chunky to add texture.

Crush  meat, berries into a fine powder. Using your blender or food processor for now will work better but if you’re making it without power, just grind them with a pestle. If the meat is a challenge, use the pestle or a hammer, or even your fingers to get the meat as finely ground as you can.

Add enough fat to the meat and berriesto make it stick together.  Add enough honey that it’s sweetened but not overly sticky.

Roll it out,  cut it into bars. Store in a bag in a cool, dry place.


It’s not as nutritious as pemmican, but it will fill the hole in your belly and provide you with carbs that you need to keep moving.


3 cups  flour
2 tsp. salt
1 cup water

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Combine  salt and flour, add water. The dough shouldn’t stick to your hands.

Roll  dough out into a rectangle until it’s no more than 1/2 inch thick. Cut  dough twice lengthwise and twice across the width into 9 equal squares, use a nail to poke 12 holes  into each square.

Place each square onto a cookie sheet or into your Dutch oven or covered iron skillet if you’re cooking on the trail. Bake  30 minutes on each side. Remove from oven,  cool. Store in an airtight container.

Beans and Rice

It’s packed with nutrients.


Equal parts beans and rice (not instant or quick-cook). Any type of beans will work.
Salt and pepper to taste – start with a teaspoon per cup and add until it suits your taste.
Three times as much water as you have beans and rice

Rinse  beans,  let them sit overnight.  Bring to a simmer, cook 2 hours. Add rice,  cook for another 30 minutes. Add spices such as cayenne pepper, onion or garlic to suit your tastes.

Trail Biscuits

This is a stick-to-your-ribs food that will help stretch rations or fill bellies.


3 1/2 cups  flour
2 tbsp. baking powder
1 egg (optional if available)
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter or lard
1 – 11/2 cups milk
Preheat oven to 370 degrees F. or stoke your coals so that they’re hot enough.

Combine flour, salt, baking powder,  cut  cold butter or lard  into flour mixture until you have pea-sized pieces. Add milk until dough is barely sticky. Don’t overmix or your biscuits will be tough.

Drop about 1/4 cup at a time into a greased pan or Dutch oven.

Cook for 20 minutes.

These may not be the tasty meals ever made but they will provide your body with energy to keep going. They will also fill you up, keeping you satisfied for a while until you can stop to make another meal.

These are simple recipes that every prepper should have in their head for when SHTF. You just might need to use them more than you think!

To find out about more recipes preppers should know, visit Survivopedia.


