4 Survival Preps That Are 100% Free

canned food


If there is one thing we can all agree about survival and prepping, it is that it can be very expensive. We can argue that we are prepping for a SHTF scenario so whatever price we pay it will be worth it when our families' lives will be saved.

And, of course, there is that wicked phrase: “You get what you pay for.” It may be true but it is still often times unreasonable!

Honestly, there has to be a less expensive way for a survivor of modest means to get prepared for chaos! And yes, there is! We have discovered four (4) preps that are one hundred percent FREE! And yes, they are not throw away things you need to do and have but vital to your survival when matters turn bad.

How is that possible, you may ask? Go over to the next page and read up on these four survival preps.

They are impressive and you might even smile while reading them. It's time for us to get started!

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  1. Jarrod Ernest Sammis said:

    Preparing For SHTF also shares free instructional that can download to a kindle via PDF files for free on a variety of topics!

  2. Michael Johnson said:

    So glad I read… I was planning on spending tons of money on these. (Misleading photo and caption)

  3. Amy Averett said:

    If you store water can’t you just boil it when you need it instead of using it when you dont?

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