4 Items You Forgot to Add to Your Bug-Out-Bag

If you are detail oriented like us, you probably find yourself with a lot of lists. And if you have a lot of lists, you probably view them fairly often to ensure they're up to date. For example, we have a checklist by the door of our garage with all the food expiration dates in our emergency prep kit. So we're constantly aware of what needs to be swapped out. See? It pays to be prepared. Another area we tend to keep track of are our emergency first aid kits. Because these are packed up over the weekends and used for impromptu camping trips, they get a good amount of use. If not directly on ourselves, on others who joined us but didn't have a kit. Restocking these is crucial.

Original Image Source: Jess Moser

Bug-Out-Bags are another item we need to pay close attention to. Head over to page 2 to see which 4 items you probably forgot to add to your Bug-Out-Bag.


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