4 Highly Venomous Snakes in North America That May Take You by Surprise. Know What They Are NOW, Before it’s Too Late.

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake posed to strike

You’re walking alone on a trail about forty minutes outside of Tucson. The day is perfect: The sun is shining down on you (rather than beating down on you), and there’s a light breeze in the air. You contemplate your plans for the day as you walk the trail, admiring the desert scrub and the clear, blue sky. And then suddenly, you see it.

A long, slender snake about ten feet away from you. You freeze, and take stock of its appearance: black, yellow, and red bands wrap around its body.

You faintly remember a rhyme about those colors…. The colors of both the non-venomous King snake, and the venomous Coral snake… but which is which?!

Any survivalist should know. Because if you don't and get bit, it's imperative to know whether it was a venomous bite or not. Soon enough you'll know anyway.

Make sure you’re well versed in the four most deadly snakes in North America. Check out the next page to see!

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