4 Great Places to Get Cheap Survival Gear

If you're a survivalist, you probably have a lot of gear. You've got your pantry packed up with with canned goods and bottled waters, you've got your garage full of with every natural disaster kit you can reasonably justify owning, your Bug-Out-Bag is crammed full of all your miscellaneous must-have supplies, and your camping equipment with everything under the sun you might need in the great outdoors. Whether you're stocking up on new items or maintaining/replenishing your current inventory, its apparent that these things can cost quite a bit of money. We like to stretch things out, focus on the most curcial items up front and then work out way out to the items we want rather than need. But even then, you can put a huge dent in your monthly budget if you're not careful.

But what should you do when you've got a laundry list of items you need to for survival? We've got you covered.

Original Image Source: Reza

On page 2, we'll break down some out-of-the-box options for you to find cheap survival gear. You'll be asking yourself why you hadn't thought of this before.


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