4 Awesome Paracord Projects To Create Now


So to get started, obviously you're gonna want paracord. If there is a specific color you want, look it up online. There are various stores right now creating paracord in specialty colors and designs, so if you're going to make something you may as well make something you like. Why do we insist that you have it in your bug-out-bag or in your survival kits, etc? Well, the answer is simple: Paracord is an incredible type of cord that has endless uses for survival type situations.

1. Let’s Start With The Survival Bracelet
You can buy survival bracelets for cheap but it’s best to make your own because you can customize it and make it just the right length for your wrist.

You can read more about how to create this bracelet at DIY Ready.

2. Paracord Belt
This DIY paracord rescue belt has up to 50 feet or more (depending on your waist size) of rope that you can readily access when you need it.

You can get instructions on how to make this paracord belt here at DIY Ready

3. Paracord Pouch for Your Survival Tin
If you carry a tiny survival tin, making a pouch for it will keep it protected and enable you to put more items inside the tin and not worry about it bursting open.

We love the idea of this one, and it looks really easy to make. Check out the instructions here at Instructables.

4. Paracord Strap Wrap
Increase the durability of pack straps by adding paracord. This project ensures that you have up to 15 meters of paracord added to your survival preps.

Learn how to make this strap enhancer here at Instructables.

Why #4 because we have lost countless bags due to the weight of our gear. Sometimes the items in our bag are heavy, but we don't want to compromise and remove things from our pack…. cause we need them. Having a paracord strap wrap will help avoid this scenario.



  1. Ray Watkins said:

    @[100000124222667:2048:Charles Neil Prestwood] @[1823320764:2048:Jace Hargrove] @[184104330:2048:Stephanie Holmes Watkins] @[1509180041:2048:Joshua Randle]

  2. Alex Challender said:

    I made a bull whip out of paracord but as for my survival cordage there’s a little paracord but I love artificial sinew it’s really strong stuff i have even braided it and used it as a primitive bowstring

  3. Matt Korte said:

    I made a few monkey fists those are pretty fun to make n my brothers girlfriend makes lanyards for duck calls also

  4. Andy Stanczak said:

    After my dog p$#%&!@*ed i used his collar as the base with para wrapped around it. Great way to have my buddy with me at all times and have a lil para for emergencies.

  5. Jeremy Lett said:

    My favorite thing to make outta P/C is a neat little bundle of it that fits right into my pack. All this stuff is like putting fruit in beer.

  6. Justin Powell said:

    That’s my favorite parachord design: I spool of the $#%&!@* that I dont have to unravel if I actually need it.

  7. Kyle Kolker said:

    I don’t but I can get it from my brother @[1845558544:2048:Cody Fansler]

  8. AlnHelena Rodriguez said:

    I make all kinds of things out of paracord including those find me in etsy under TorWoodWonders


