3 Survival Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs According to the ‘Fat Guys’ Host

Fat Guys host

These Three Core Mistakes Made In The Wilderness Should Be Corrected NOW So You Can Be Prepared For Whatever Challenges Come Your Way. Here's How To Effectively Master The Survival Techniques You Need:

Ask any survivalist what is the most frequent mistakes someone venturing into the wild can make and as many people as you ask, you will get at least that many answers.

Some people put a premium on having the right tools for whatever you may face. Others focus on mental acuity and the ability to use your mind to get through just about anything. Still others tend to emphasize having particular survival skills that allow you to address whatever challenges you face.

The reality is there probably is not a “right” set of answers except in generalities, but most survivalists agree that most people who find themselves in a bind in the woods make three core mistakes before they ever set off on their adventure.

To see what these are, check out the video on the next page.

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