3 Survival Benefits of Mouthwash Beyond Having a Clean Mouth. #3 Surprised Me!


Mouthwash is used by tens of millions of people across the country, every day, in most cases two or three times a day.

But its uses span much more than keeping your mouth fresh and clean and it has several useful functions for a survival setting; here are just a few.

Lice. Listerine is also a safe and effective treatment against lice. Healthy and Natural World recommends soaking the lice-infested head in Listerine and then gathering the hair in a shower cap. Let the Listerine soak in for at least 1 hour and then rinse hair with water. To really get those buggers, continue the treatment by massaging white vinegar into the scalp. Again, gather the hair in a shower cap and let it soak. After 1 hour, wash the hair with mild shampoo and use a lice comb to remove any dead lice and remaining lice eggs.

Cough. “Cough, you chump… it's all your own fault,” read a newspaper article in winter 1932. Modern Mechanix shows the same article says medical tests proved gargling Listerine twice daily reduced the frequency and severity of coughs and colds. More than 80 years later, WikiHow verifies rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash can prevent bacteria from infecting the respiratory system.

Blisters. The antiseptic properties of Listerine make it a mighty force against blisters. Mother Nature Network says all you have to do is dip a cotton swab in Listerine and dab it onto the blister. Repeat three times a day until your blister dries up and disappears.

The amazing thing is that these are just a few of the many survival uses of mouthwash.

In fact, because of its alcohol and antiseptic functions, it can be used virtually for anything that requires a stiff kick in the gut to get under control!

To learn more uses of mouthwash in a survival setting, check out Remedy Daily.


