3 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Cabin That Actually Work

Dawn soap

You may try your best to keep your place clean and free of pests, scrubbing the floors as often as possible and cleaning up spills as soon as they happen, but eventually, even the best of homes (and that includes bug out cabins) can become infected with the scourge of pests.

That's why we call them pests, because even when we do everything in our power to ensure that they don't take hold in our lives, they can still make an incredibly annoying appearance.

For pests like fleas, this appearance can be more than just a nuisance. Bloodsucking parasites can carry countless diseases and infections.

For a bug out situation when SHTF, the odds of the pest population rising is incredibly high because there will be no more pest control companies to wipe them out. This means you'll need to meet this threat yourself.

For three natural remedies that work exceptionally well without the crazy chemicals and fumigation tent, check out the article on the next page.

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