One of the most difficult questions every person interested in preparation for a disaster or survival in a doomsday scenario is how far to go.
Do you go all out and plan to be one of the only surviving humans on earth after stuff hits the fan? Or do you figure if it gets that bad, life probably will be so altered you will not stand much of a chance at all and just accept fate and fortune?
If you opt for the first scenario, the next question tends to be about cost. You can spend a small fortune on survival materials, equipment, gear, and facilities.
This is particularly true if you one of your goals is to construct a survival structure – above or below ground.
We cover three ways you can potentially fund a survival structure – be it a bunker or bug-out camp – on the next page.
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These aren’t ingenious. These are straight up common sense.
I’m sure there are snowflakes out there that will find it ingenious…
Joanne Folan-Korolyk
Do some of the work yourself is part of my plan.
The first post I’ve been this disappointed with since I started following this site.
#4 giving hand jobs on the street corner for a quarter.
The problem with that shelter in the picture is that there’s no back up escape/exit
Breann Fortenberry
Won’t work when somebody pours gas down your air vent. Rather than trying to protect a certain space, it’s better to remain mobil and move from spot to spot. Bury your extra gear that you can’t carry
Tamara Mazariegos
1) take a loan 2) beg 3) save. Saved you a click.
There’s two minutes I’ll never get back
Kyle Snell
Wasted time with this
Romanichal Gypsy
That’s cool
I like the fern exhaust vent, pretty creative
Do not dismay what ‘ere befall, God will take of you
Breann Fortenberry
Bob Peisley, Nick Greer