3 Clever Ways to Get the Funds for a SHTF Bunker


The dream of owning your own bunker, while expensive, is not out of the reach of anyone. With the help of the methods below, you can start financing you own preparations today.

Bunker Financing
Much like you can take a loan out to purchase a home, you can also finance a bunker with the help of specialized lenders. Certain lenders will extend financing in the form of an FHA Title 1 Home Improvement Loan or unsecured loan. While you’ll be hard pressed to find a lender willing to finance a bunker that costs $100,000 or more, you should be able to secure enough funds for a basic bunker in the $30,000-$50,000 range.

There’s something about building a doomsday bunker that’s appealing to crowdfunders. It strikes an emotional chord with many and can be viewed as an opportunity to help others establish a safe and secure future. There are many different types of crowdfunding platforms, but targeting one that focuses more on personal funding (as opposed to business and startup funding) is ideal, as this will help you reach your target market.

Setting Aside Money Each Month
Another option is to gradually set aside money each month in order to build a fund for your doomsday preparations. This is exactly what American Preppers Network co-founder Phil Burns has done and continues to do.
Burns suggests setting aside as much as 20 percent of your income for preparations. This money can be used towards the purchase of a doomsday bunker, guns, food, and other supplies. It’ll take time, but there’s nothing more satisfying than knowing you’ve done it all on your own.

The quickest and easiest way to build your bunker is to utilize the first method or bunker financing. This will ensure that you can get started on your bunker immediately. The downside to this is that you will have a new debt (prepper Kryptonite) and it will cost more in the long run thanks to interest. However, given the state of the world, you may just decide that you want to get that bunker ready as soon as possible.

For more great prepper planning, check out American Preppers Network.


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    We know; The New World Order has to break America’s Back we are the last big hurdle for their Socialistic Zombie World to be complete. Thanks for..: Get your dream SHTF bunker by trying some of these tips to get the funds needed…I’m tired of saying nothing & doing nothing. It’s time we rally together, get the truth out & make changes to the system.


