3 Animals That May Do More Harm Than Good if a Person Were to Eat Them in the Wild

wild rabbit

Not all animal meats are equal. It's easy to assume that most or all animals have similar nutrition values and provide the same level of sustenance, but that mindset is a mistake.

Most of us eat beef. pork, chicken, and fish on a regular basis but we rarely think about the nutritional content we consume. Sure we're mindful on the number of calories or fat content we consume, but that's it.

When we buy our food from a supermarket or we hunt for fun, we often take it for granted that we're getting something good. That mindset may be fine in everyday life, but it won't work in survival situations.

Some meats are better than others and we're about to show you 3 animals you may want to reconsider if you're looking for food in the wild.

What animals should you avoid in survival situations? For one, you should avoid super lean meats. You would need to eat far more calories in a survival situation and the animals on the following pages cannot provide enough calories to sustain life.

Take a look at this post to find out more about the 3 animals you should avoid eating in the wild.

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  1. Todd Owens said:

    eating too much rabbit in the wild as a sole source of food will kill you, rabbit is nothing but protein, no nutrition at all… People have died from ” Rabbit Starvation “

  2. Rod Coulon said:

    Did die hard survivor even read this before they posted it?

  3. Terry Thomas said:

    I mean if you have berries and other forms of food on hand you should be fine with rabbits for a while

  4. Chris Nichols said:

    There was a survival situation from a plane crash in the high Sierra mountain’s, the victims died eating only rabbits, and there were countless edible plants around.

  5. Jon Osmer said:

    Most people won’t make it threw the first couple of weeks anyway. Only the strong will survive.

  6. Erik Stanger said:

    You missed some facts here. You mention “fishing is passive and hunting burns more calories”.
    True, but setting and checking snares for rabbits is exactly the same situation as casting a hook line and pulling and checking for fish.

    So you left out setting snares to preserve your energy and burn less calories than hunting by walking / tracking game.

  7. Will Bray said:

    You mean my plan to live solely on rabbits and spinach won’t work?

  8. Steve Mosler said:

    If you are hungry and you’re in the woods you were going to kill and eat the first thing you get your hands on that’s how you continue to live

  9. Keith Sanders said:

    If it was,a survival situation it would not matter.hell a peanut covered$#%&!@*would be ate if need be.but 5 squirrels would be better…..buy on the other hand….please believe this people please

  10. Dana Osmer said:

    Rabbits don’t supply any fat content so if you are eating rabbit make sure you are also getting some sort of fatty content in your survival diet.

  11. Will Bray said:

    Assuming 4,000 calories per day may not be fair either. In a “survival situation,” I won’t be catching panfish by hand. I’d be using fish traps and trotlines, to catch them with very little work expended per fish.

  12. Todd Owens said:

    No shannon, you miss the point, its not the same at all. It takes more energy for the body to breakbdown rabbit meat than you gain from eating the rabbit… We lived off veggies for thousands of years till we started hunting and eating meat. As for apples, its not apple starvation that would simply be not getting enough other vitamins and minerals… However, eating rabnit , salad and apples would not kill you if thats all you had together… Its simply Biology.

  13. Rod Coulon said:

    Celery has a negative caloric intake. Meaning it burns more calories to digest it that it contains. So you can starve to death eating only celery. This article is stupid

  14. Shannon Feehan said:

    I understood the article as saying that eating these things are bad, as opposed to eating only one type of food will eventually kill us.

  15. Scott Lawrason said:

    This is a good article for the uninformed. But I think most people I know understand nutrition a bit more. Most people who can run traplines, fishnets etc… Probably already know this. If they need this info, they probably don’t know how to Hunt ,Fish , gut & skin or fillet. So I would worry more about protecting my assets from these people.

  16. Brian Meyers said:

    Rabbit is a good meal, but when we were trapping them in scouts we had to watch for a chickenpox type of rash on their bellies which popped up in the early 90s through the rabbit species.

  17. Joe Phinney said:

    If you’ve veggies or some fat, put that in with the meat and you’ll be fine. If you solely survived on rabbit, yes you’ll starve but highly unlikely that would happen.

  18. Peter Doolan said:

    John Wiseman states in his book that rabbits offer little nutritional value. So it good to see it reminding people.

  19. Anonymous said:

    Bull crap save yourself unlike this page as soon as you can and avoid repost lies and bad information

  20. Alan Campbell said:

    Fry them up in lard! Add a little lard to your stews. You’ll last longer.

  21. Wayne Spiller said:

    Ignorant article. You must eat the brains of rabbit and squirrel to get enough fat. Pan fish are great. The writer of this article is a moron.

  22. Bigd Croft said:

    this has to be one of the most ignorant, irresponsible, thing on “survival” put out yet. first, its protein your after. second, you had better hope you git more than one to eat if not you will be happy for the one you got. and three, over the short term most for the readers have a stock pile of fats on them to last three to six months given a modest intake of protein and carbs. this so-called expert needs to get back to his armchair

  23. Becky Roe said:

    I’m not going to download BS. People have been hunting and living off the land since the beginning of time. We hunt, fish and grow our own vegetables. We know how to survive.. The ones who don’t will parish!

  24. Cory Ayers said:

    I think there is something to learn from this article, but it’s kind of misleading. If I was just trying to survive I would want a high return for the effort. Those are all easy meals, you just need more than that to be healthy.

  25. James Morris said:

    You also left out that you can eat the skin of both fish adding calories and you can break open the bones of the rabbit to get marrow to supplement the lack of fat.

  26. Josh Downing said:

    One piece of advice that needs to be importantly observed. When you hunt small game like rabbit squirrel and whatever else be sure of the time of year that you are taking them in. A lot of small animals / rodents. Will have worms and intestinal parasites that will be with them during the warmer months. But after the heavy Frost their body sheds them. Somehow someway it happens. That’s why they say do not eat squirrel, rabbit,… Other small rodents until after the frost when they have a chance to shed their worms

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