3 Animals That Could Do More Harm Than Good if a Person Eats Them in the Wild


Recently we changed our regular ninety percent lean and ten percent fat hamburger to bison. For us, attempting to get healthy and lose weight, bison is ideal. However, we have to wonder when dealing with a SHTF moment, if the mighty bison would be the better choice of the two types of meat to eat.

Granted, if you manage to take down an entire bison that the entire family will be eating then it should last a while, however, the leanness of the meat could lead to problems.

The protein is definitely there but what a lot of people do not consider is that a person needs to have a certain amount of fat to keep them healthy.

After all, in this day and age, you can receive fat from other sources but what if those sources are no longer available?

On the next slide read about three animals, nutritionally speaking, that may do more harm than good to your body during a collapse!

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  1. Ron Fina said:

    Three animals…And they can’t put them on the FIRST PAGE?!?!?!?!

  2. Ray Rockafellor said:

    It really annoys me that all of these have to be click bait. Just post the stuff. But I’m sure that they make money from doing it the way they do.

  3. Doug Larson said:

    Possum are notoriously know to carry tubercleosis too. Add that one to your list.

  4. Thomas Donahue said:

    280 calories > 0 calories. In a survival situation, you would eat what is available when it is available.

  5. Scott Adams said:

    I grew up eating all of those and look, fifty yrs later, I’m still here…

  6. Casey A Holland said:

    This, like alot of stuff on this page is wildly misleading and exaggerated, while leaving out some very important information.

  7. Mike G. Edgmon said:

    I will have to agree with most of this article. I have read about starving on a fish only diet before. The problem with all of these animals is the fat content, i.e low calories. They would be welcome to add flavor, if you have high calorie vegetables, like corn, beans, etc. You could also add fat to them by frying. When I was in Alaska, I learned that sled dogs would starve, if they were only fed caribou for the same reason. They can supplement your diet, but long term a steady diet of only these very lean animals will starve you to death. Possum, Raccoon, Bear and other animals with a higher fat content would serve better for the long haul.

  8. Anthony Bateman said:

    It’s the inability to make vitamin E that gets you with rabbit. But it has to be a 100% rabbit diet. Eat a few sorrel leaves, some berries and a few shoots and you’ll be fine.

  9. Greg Cooper Sr. said:

    would like to read the entire article, but i am not clicking to 10 different pages. jeez, i know ads and sponsors pay you money but the general public just wants to read the article.

  10. Allan Culp said:

    What kind of crap is this if man did not mess up mother nature and mother earth this is the food intended for us to eat this site are idiots

  11. Jon Blob said:

    Panfish like that bluegill to me are a waste, the amount of meat via even those 14 they claim would take a significantly amount of time and energy to descale and filet

    Best set a cheap line to hit the bottom for cats if your looking for easier fish food. Scrape slime off those edge , wash fish off lightly small amount of water, nail the tail to a tree and filet it hanging right there

    Panfish jump out st the water here and I still don’t go after em lol

  12. Jeff Burman said:

    First off your 4000 calorie count is so far off.
    Do some research, hunter gatherers,level off into the 2500 calorie range after days of being one.
    Your body adjusts to your new lifestyle quite efficenctly.(the Excerise Paradox-Scientific American,Feb/2017)
    And every animal has fats,just not in the pretty muscle parts- every natural predator eats the organs first….hmmmm

  13. Chris Brown said:

    The human body can only safely process around 350 grams of protein per day for an average sized person. Even if the meat is fatty, too much animal protein is dangerous.

  14. Samuel Tucker said:

    So lam there are the organs the fat food is what youre going to get silly organs are where the vitamins are wash out the intestines to make suffingsread up on Lewis and Clarke “only one died” they learned from the natives of the area to survive

  15. Mark Arsenault said:

    You need fat.. or suffer from protein poisoning.. You need to eat the organs of the rabbit.. liver brain .. more fat there

  16. Jeff Payton said:

    Fake, false information. Anyone with knowledge of early settlers and native Americans knows this isn’t true.

  17. James Robert Ritz said:

    Bison is way better than the cow because they are not fatty meat and they graze on sweet green grass and bushes

  18. Jacob Loyd Stevenson said:

    Who’s dumb enough to ONLY eat rabbit or squirrels? Depending on the SHTF situation you could still grow crops

  19. Sheri Ilick Hennig said:

    A????? What the heck? First any food in the wild is better than none. If your in the wild you add fats in other ways by adding seeds and nuts.

    Acorns are a normal source but need prep or it tastes like earwax. Yes, ate them as a kid.

  20. Brian Sonnleitner said:

    I had to click “next page” 4 times to see all 3. What a waste of time, and ridiculous to force people to do if they want to follow your page.

  21. Ragnarok Dabeav said:

    So what did people eat before demarcating farm animals?

    Oh that’s right, pigs and cows naturally live everywhere… except in my area

  22. Steven Spall said:

    Ok so…. anybody who knows a thing about survival knows you need variety. This article continually assumes you eat only the one kind of animal, and nothing else. If you have no choice then you eat what you need to not die. Who cares about malnutrition, when the real threat is death from starvation? But if there is variety,of any kind, or would be foolish to assume anyone would only stick to one type of did. Any anyone who would is too dumb to survive anyway, and I’m gonna loot the corpse.

  23. Wes Lydon said:

    First off having too get through all the advertisements to read the story really sucks. Second in a survival situation any food is better than no food at all. Third surviving is 90% mental if you can provide some food for yourself, you have put your mind in better mental shape and some food in your belly. This will also give you the time you need to run down to the local unlooted Albertsons and stock up on butter, lard and slabs of pig and beef fat!

  24. Paul Roue said:

    Some ppl say , I’ll eat anything blah blah , go turn your electricity off . Don’t buy food for a week see how you go …
    The intent can be there to eat anything , try eating something remotely shitty after having food poisoning … Good luck

  25. Thomas Cook said:

    One of the worst articles you have written so far. BTW, rabbit starvation only happens if you eat meat with no fat in it (starving rabbits). Healthy rabbits have a good layer of fat on them that can offset the leanest of the meat.

  26. David Linihan said:

    I tried to explain rabbit starvation to somebody. Wouldn’t believe until he googled it.

  27. Adam Campbell said:

    Starving does more harm then eating dirt. People lived off grass during the grait depression.

  28. Neal Brantner said:

    I’ll save y’all a click before I unsubscribe

    Rabbits, squirrels and panfish.


