25 Vital Survival Items a Person Forgot to Buy

prepper destruction

Lists make up a gigantic part of the process of preparing for a survival situation.

Nevertheless, you will forget something; here are some suggestions to hopefully further eliminate items that are commonly overlooked.

Baby Wipes – Really easy way to keep clean.

Baseballs, basketballs, footballs, etc. – Playing ball is a great way to stave off boredom and keep morale up during hard times.

Bicycle Gear – If gasoline is in short supply, you might need your bike to get around. That means you’ll need a bike pump, extra tubes, etc.

Book lights – It’s difficult to read by candlelight and you don’t want to waste your flashlight’s batteries. Book lights are cheap and last a long time.

Books – You might be surprised how much free time you have after the SHTF. Now’s your chance to read those books you always meant to read (like Atlas Shrugged).

Bullion Cubes – These make boring meals much more delicious.

Candy – Huge morale booster during difficult times. Just don’t overdo it.

Cloth Diapers – Other than the obvious usage, these are also great for cleanups because they’re so absorbent.

Clothes Lines and Pins – Because your dryer will be a waste of space.

Condiments – Imagine eating a typical meal without mustard, ketchup, soy sauce, hot sauce, etc. You’ll get bored fast.

Ear Plugs – It’s important to use these when hunting with firearms, but they’ll also help you sleep at night. Why? Because after the SHTF every little bump will wake you up. Just make sure someone is standing guard while you sleep.

Games – Board games, cards, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, and any other type of game that doesn’t require power. This is especially important if you have children.

Glasses and Repair Kits – If you wear glasses, make sure you have a backup pair and a way to fix them.

Goggles – This includes safety goggles and swim goggles. You never know.

Hand Sanitizer – As I mentioned above, there might be a lack of proper sanitation after a major disaster. Stay germ-free.

Plastic Sheeting – For repairing leaks, collecting water, keeping out contaminants, and much more.

Sewing Kit – If your clothes tear, you might not be able to afford or even get access to new ones. Learn how to sew.

Shoe Laces – Again, you might not be able to get new ones. Plus, shoe laces have several uses.

Slingshots – Another way to kill small animals for food.

Snow Shoes – You’ll be trapped in a snowstorm without them.

Survival Books – You’ll need this as a reference.

Tarps – Use them to keep stuff dry, provide shade, carry things, and so forth.

Wind-up Clocks – So you don’t have to waste batteries.

Every time I see a list oriented towards survival, I make a copy of it – just in case.

This is because the more lists, the more input from different sources, the better the chances that list of stuff forgotten will be very, very small.

To see more survival lists as well as tips on how to reduce the likelihood you will forget something important, check out the Urban Survival Site.

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