25 Astounding SHTF Uses for Baking Soda

baking soda

This is the point where you need to get a pencil and paper out or warm up your printer because you will want to take notes about the wonders of baking soda. Often, we hear about how too much of a good thing can often go bad. In this case – we disagree!

Bee Stings– to sooth the pain and draw out the stinger, apply a paste of baking soda and water to the affected area.
Bug Bites– to relieve itching, make a thick paste using water and baking soda. Apply paste to the bite.
Canker Sore– to relieve pain, mix ½ teaspoon of baking soda, a pinch of salt in 1 cup of water. Gargle.\
Colds– to relieve stuffy head and nose, use vapor disks in your shower made with 2 cups baking soda, 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Slowly add water to make a thick putty. Divide into muffin tins and allow them to air dry for 24 hours.
Detox– to relieve aches and pains, mix 1 cup baking soda and 1 cup apple cider vinegar in a warm tub of water.
Face Scrub– for a soft, smooth face, make a paste using 1 part baking soda, 2 parts ground oatmeal and water. Gently rub you face with the paste, leave on for a few minutes and then rinse.
Heartburn – to relieve, drink 4 ounces of water mixed with 1 teaspoon baking soda.
Jellyfish Sting– to sooth pain, apply a thick paste of baking soda and water to the affected area.
Poison Ivy– to relieve itching, make a thin paste using water and baking soda. Gently apply to affected area.
Skin– to exfoliate, make a paste using 3 parts baking soda and on part water. Gently apply with your fingers using a circular motion, rinse
Splinter– to remove, soak affected area in a small glass of water containing 1 tablespoon baking soda. Repeat twice a day until the splinter works its way out.
Drains– to unclog, remove as much of the standing water as possible. Pour 1 cup baking soda into the drain then pour 1 cup hot vinegar. Allow it to do its magic for 10-15 minutes and then run the hot water for a few minutes.
Sinks, tubs and showers– to scrub, mix ¼ cup baking soda with 1 tablespoon liquid dish soap. Use as you would any scouring powder.
Toilet– to clean and absorb odors, add a cup of baking soda to the bowl and let it sit for an hour. Clean with a toilet brush and flush.
Diapers– to clean and deodorize, add ½ cup of baking soda to the washer.
Laundry– to boost your detergent’s cleaning power and brighten clothes, add 1/4 cup to your wash.
Fireplace– to freshen, remove ashes then place a container of baking soda in the fireplace.
Garbage Cans– to clean, make a thin paste using baking soda and water. Scrub the garbage can and rinse. Garbage Cans– to deodorize, sprinkle baking soda in the bottom.
Marble– to clean, make a cleaning solution using 4 cups warm water and 3 tablespoons baking soda. Pour solution in a spray bottle.
Clay– to make your own, mix 1 cup cornstarch, 2 cups baking soda and 1 ¼ cups water. Knead until well mixed.
Gardens– to keep rabbits out, sprinkle garden beds with baking soda.
Tomatoes– to sweeten, sprinkle baking soda on the soil around the plants.
Ants– to rid your home, sprinkle baking soda along their paths.
Cock Roaches– to rid your home, sprinkle around windows and under sinks.

We think homesteaders will find the above especially helpful but, even after all you have read, we’ve just scratched the surface! Check out more tips and tricks where you can use baking soda over on Ask a Prepper.

We have said it before: When it comes to survival we love an item that can be used for multiple purposes – and baking soda is an excellent example of such an item!


