20 Affordable Items That’ll be Priceless Post-Collapse

food stamps store

There are so many things we take for granted. Little things like toilet paper, for instance, will be worth its weight in gold post-collapse.

Think about it logically. When SHTF stores are bought out, or everything will be looted, and trains, trucks, and planes that usually bring items into the states will be few and far between due to safety concerns.

Depending on the SHTF situation at hand, you and your family may need to hunker down in your shelter or bug out home for weeks or even months. If this is the case, you will need to rely on everything you have stockpiled for survival and comfort.

Eventually, when the coast is clear for the time being, neighbors and other preppers who are ill-prepared will show up and ask you if you have this and that. You may give them an item or two out of the goodness of your heart, but not for long.

If you want to be ahead of everyone else before SHTF then check out these 20 items that are currently inexpensive, but as soon as the grid goes down, you better believe these things and more will become priceless.

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  1. Barry Grice said:

    Dennis Parks and William Debose, in a Survivor situation you will need to do what ever it takes to live another day, guns and bullets will help with that, will you kill a person if it means saving your baby or your wife and kids, as for me if we can’t work together for a single goal, then well,, I may need to kill you, survival of the fittest

  2. Bradley A Lofton said:

    I know allot of smokers and when they are feinding they don’t give a crap dry stale half smoked pipe tobacco dosent matter. Side note Tops rolling tobacco in the sealed metal cans last a long time and is way cheaper than reg cigs.

  3. Paul McCarthy said:

    Worst list ever. Go ahead and hoard that chapstick and hand lotion. You’ll need both to barter for items you actually need by giving handies and bjs…

  4. Bill Carpenter said:

    This is why I learned how to make good shine… I may not have every single item on the list, but hooch will be priceless as well, so I will have plenty to trade with 🙂

  5. Joseph Pecorino said:

    INSTANTLY turned off your page after seeing the ‘click link for list!’. How hard is it to put the damn list on a single page with only one set of ads? I liked a few things your page shared, but no more. Eventually editors and site coordinators will get the message. NO MORE ‘NEXT PAGE’!

  6. Harold Anderson said:

    Nearly everything on that list our grandparents (or great-grand parents) had never heard of — except for ammunition, cigarettes, cheap wine and spices (BTW, they had never heard of many of the spices we use today.) and really, can’t we do without wine and cigarettes? Oh, you can make your own Wine — I do. One item left off the list that is ABSOLUTELY essential is salt. Another that is ALMOST essential is sugar. You cannot make wine or bear without it. What about soap?

  7. Ryan Brown said:

    Not one mention of salt. Good luck preserving anything without it.

  8. Jimmy Gibson said:

    Yet all are useful as a substitute for cash as a method of barter in a SHTF scenario…Keeps you from having to kill people to take what you may need be running low on.

  9. Mony James said:

    Don’t gio to this site !!+!(!8 it will take you for ever.. !


