19 Things to Stockpile for Survival Now (Before it’s Too Late)

food cans

Virtually everyone knows to stock some survival items for if a short or medium-term survival incident occurs and stuff we have come to rely on, like power, clear roads, etc. are temporarily shut down.

But what are those items?

If you look at most survival preparation lists, some of the items on them make sense, others make no sense at all or are so expensive that other items on the list suffer.

That is why at a minimum, you should have a basic inventory of survival items and supplies that will help you get through a basic survival scenario.

By focusing on these first, you will not find yourself lacking in except the direst of circumstances.

To see what this list includes, check out the next page!

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  1. Margaret Zibura said:

    Not going through who knows how many pages to find what is listed, if you cannot list 19 items on a single page, don’t bother to list them at all.

  2. Van Bonds said:

    Here is the list, saved you a clickWater (water will be worth its weight in gold)
    Canned goods (meats, beans, fruits & vegetables, substitute with dehydrated and freeze dried varieties)
    Grains (Wheat, rice, oats & grain mil to grind it up)
    Spices (Sugar, salt, pepper keep it simple but dried varieties are best)
    Fuel (fire wood, gasoline, kerosene, lamp oil, anything that will burn)
    Toilet Paper (gotta have one guilty pleasure)
    Building Materials (nails, screws, 2 x 4’s, plywood)
    Soaps (bar, liquid, detergent, bleach)
    Alcohol (drinking and rubbing)
    Cooking oil (or it will be soups and stews for you)
    Tools (non-powered variety hammer, hand saw, axe, shovel, multi-tool etc.)
    First Aid items (lots of gauze, tape, medicine, antiseptics)
    Bio-Chemical hazard gear (masks, gloves, goggles, chem suits)
    Garbage bags (especially heavy duty/black bags & 4 mil plastic tarps)
    Duct tape (need I say more)
    Flashlights, Lanterns & Candles (lots of candles)
    Fire Starters (matches, fire steel, lighters)
    Warm clothing (blankets too)
    Entertainment (books, board games, cards)

  3. Woody Holman said:

    Pay attention folks. Don’t say they didn’t warn you, especially y’all in urban areas.

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