15 Reasons to Start Prepping NOW (Before it’s Too Late)


Preparing for a survival situation should not be something anyone is embarrassed about.

In fact, in many ways it is a mandatory aspect of being a good citizen; the prepared people are not a drain on emergency services and supplies, unprepared are.

Here are some pretty obvious reasons you should be prepared.

Economic Collapse – We live in a very unstable world economically. Just look at what happened in Venezuela. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for the next Great Depression. Unless you’re very old, odds are it will happen in your lifetime, so why not prepare now?

Terrorist Attack – Not only is the world we live in very unstable economically, it’s also a largely unsafe world. We see reports of terrorist attacks in the news on almost a daily basis. It’s only a matter of time before there’s a major attack in your country, and you can never be too sure that it won’t be close to your home.

Drought – When droughts happen, they are devastating because they dry up the food supply. Stocking up on food or growing your own is a great way to prepare for this.

Tornadoes – Yet another major disaster to prepare for is tornadoes. Even though they form most commonly and largely in the Midwest, they have been known to pop up in other areas of the country as well. Make sure your home is ready.

Earthquakes – Earthquakes will crumble everything in their vicinity, and even if they don’t affect your area, they will still send thousands if not millions of refugees your way. Get ready.

Hurricanes – This one only applies to you if you live along the coast, but even if you don’t live near the coast it could send refugees your way (as with earthquakes).

You Lose Your Job – This one is a little more personal, but have you ever thought about what will happen if you lose your job? Losing your job could also be tied to a greater economic crisis like we talked about earlier. Stashing away money and provisions is a great way to prepare.

Social Unrest – The volatile world we live in means that things like widespread riots are a very real threat to our security, especially if you live in an urban environment.

Death of a Family Member – The death of a family member will undoubtedly hit you hard emotionally, and it will also hit you hard financially if that family member as the primary caregiver.

Medical Emergencies – Stockpiling medical items and receiving training in how to use them will ensure that you can adequately attend to yourself or someone else in a medical emergency. This will be very important if you can’t get to a medical clinic or a hospital fast enough.

You’ll Become Self-Sustainable – If you grow your own food and collect your own water, you and your family could become completely self-sustainable and not reliant on grocery stores. This will be huge if the food supply chain is broken.

The Government is Preparing – Most people don’t know this, but the government is preparing for disasters on a daily basis. If they are preparing, it’s a clear sign that you need to as well.

You’ll Keep Your Family Safe – Fundamentally, prepping ensures that you make the necessary preparations to keep your family safe in a survival or disaster situation. This is your primary motivation to prep.

Prepping for a survival situation is much more important than what the media has portrayed it; in fact, even the federal government recommends it.

In fact, not being prepared not only puts you and your family at risk, it is a drag on resources that could be used to help those who cannot help themselves.

To learn more reasons why you need to start preparing for a survival situation, please visit the Urban Survival Site.


