15 Clever Survival Uses for WD-40 That’ll Come in Handy When the Grid Goes Down

WD 40

WD-40. It's something practical that most preppers already have in their home, but they're likely not making use of it as much as they could be. WD-40 has more than a thousand applications, so if you don't own any, it's definitely something you should stock up on for practical survival uses.

If you have WD-40 accessible you can accomplish just about anything — it's that functional. Plus, you'll really be happy you have some with you when a disaster takes place, and the grid goes down.

Using this exceptional spray is also easy to store, cost-effective, and it's also easy to put in your bug out bag so you'll have easy access to it. You should also consider adding it to your car emergency kit, so you'll have one on the road as well.

On the next page, discover some remarkable survival uses for WD-40. Whereas some may surprise you, others will have you thinking, “Why didn't I think of that?!” 

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  1. Jeremy Mauric said:

    Yep, I will be worried about scuffs on the floor when the grid goes down. lol

  2. Don Dodson said:

    Yes we must protect bird feeders from squirrels at all costs. Yes I want a job where I write bulshit headlines to snag people into clicking into clip traps next look at a few ads next year some more ads next

  3. Matt LeBlanc said:

    Other than maybe waterproofing boots none of the things on here had anything to do with survival. Food, water, guns n ammo, batteries, candles, flashlights, rope, knife and hatchet, stick matches and a butane torch is all anyone needs to survive. Yes other things are handy but not necessary

  4. Sue DeBord said:

    Don’t have anything to do with survival but it kills boring bees. Stick the extension in the hole and spray, it works. I live in a log home and had many boring bees until I did this.

  5. Todd Fosdick said:

    When lit properly one 16oz can Will burn 6-7 zombies, terrorists, attacking birds of prey … or unstick 1378 stem bolts. You choose how you use your WD40!

  6. Kasey PorriTt said:

    Oh no, the$#%&!@*hit the fan! Oh good WD-40 removes scuff marks from the floor, gum from my hair, as well as$#%&!@*from the fan! (Smh)

  7. Bryan Smith said:

    Todd it’s also good if you’re not sure tight WD-40 will loosen them !!!

  8. Mike Edwards said:

    Oh yeah I’m gonna be really worried about gum in my hair if the grid goes down.waterproofing boots was useful

  9. Chris Brown said:

    I know an old guy that used to put this on his knees in the80’s lol

  10. Douglas Solly said:

    Great starting fluid. And also a great wire Dryer on car wiring after going through water. Read in to it people!

  11. David Rivich said:

    I know someone who used to spray this where he was fishing off the pier or spray his lure and the fish would swarm

  12. Kaleb Dellinger said:

    I don’t think I’m going to care about getting stains out of my shoes when the apocalypse happens.

  13. Rickey Don said:

    I quit at 5. Weather proofing boots is cool, but if the grid goes down do I really care about squirrels eating my bird feed, glasses sticking together, or bubble gum issues? Lmao

  14. Pete Kidney said:

    More cost effective to buy it by the gallon and put it in a plastic spray bottle.

  15. Joshua Moore said:

    PB 50 is way better. Its is a water displacer a lubricant and a penetrating oil. WD 40 is a mild lubricant and a water displacer only. It will not penetrate rust and dissolve it.

  16. Hunter Maclean said:

    WD-40 main ingredient is fish oil.

    I just saved you all from clicking on link.

  17. Frank Hudy said:

    WD-40 is garbage. PB Lubricant and Blaster are much better and cheaper.

  18. Adam Shields said:

    it can be sprayed onto your bait and fish will knock your pole out of the water.

  19. Adam Shields said:

    i wonder if you could spray it on liberals and make them dissappear?


