15 Clever SHTF Uses for WD-40 That’ll Blow Your Mind

WD 40 uses

WD-40. It's something most everyone already has in their home, but they're most likely not using it as much as they could be. The truth is WD-40 has more than a thousand applications, so if currently don't have any, it's definitely something you should invest in for survival.

If you have WD-40 in your home or garage or even your bug out bag you can use it for just about anything! Plus, it'll come in handy when SHTF. Memorize many ways you can put WD-40 to good use now and you'll know how to use it to your advantage later.

This miracle spray is also very easy to store, and it comes in a variety of sizes. You can store a can in your bug out bag, car, and bug out cabin. If you don't have multiple cans, you can seriously consider adding them to your survival kits soon.

After the break, check out some clever uses for WD-40 that are also applicable to your survival needs. Whereas some may surprise you, others will make you glad that you now know yet another use for multi-purpose item!

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  1. Boozefighter Machete said:

    Don’t put wd40 on a lock..ever. or anything u don’t want eventually rusted for that matter. Wd40 will ruin a lock.

  2. Fletch Batchelor said:

    They didn’t even to bother mentioning it truly does instantly relieve joint pain as a topical solution. I figured they’d at least mention that over some dumb$#%&!@*”tea stains”.::..

  3. Stan Wal said:

    This was so stupid, spray it o. Your house it will stain but you’ll be bug free…. Come on guys this was completely ignorant. Sure your licence plate will look great until dist collects on it and you can’t see it then get pulled over. It can kill bugs though… So can you damn shoe! The worst one is using it on your paint to remove scratches, not good for clear coats is you leave it on.

  4. Stan Wal said:

    This was so stupid, spray it on your house it will stain but you’ll be bug free…. Come on guys this was completely ignorant. Sure your licence plate will look great until dust collects on it and you can’t see it then get pulled over. It can kill bugs though… So can you damn shoe! The worst one is using it on your paint to remove scratches, not good for clear coats is you leave it on. And the scratches are still there!

  5. Dustin Dailey said:

    I use to use WD-40 sprayed into carborator of my 99 Dodge Durango, it died at every stop literately, hop out and spray it in and boom, up and going

  6. Andy Slaven said:

    Tea stains are the 3rd most common killer in apocalyptic situations according to DARPA.

  7. Andy Slaven said:

    WD40 isn’t a lubricant, but a water displacer. Putting it on locks without lubricating after is a great way to ruin your locks.

  8. Jeff Burchiel said:

    Is wd 40 still a thing? Wouldn’t know since I discovered pb blaster years ago.

  9. Joshua Koonts said:

    The shits hitting the fan boys, you know what time it is! Thats right, its fucking tea time!….$#%&!@* The glasses are stuck together!$#%&!@*$#%&!@*$#%&!@* Think man, think!!! Wait… water displacement! God yes! Why didn’t I think of it sooner? Quick, grab the WD-40 and light that glassware up!… that was really close, hey! Lets clean the house and fill the bird feeders before we bug out guys..

  10. Shayne Kirk said:

    Well I was interested in reading the article until all the effin pop ups started popping up. I swear you can’t read a damn thing without them aggravating the hell outta ya. Redicerous.

  11. Erin Killian said:

    If SHTF I couldn’t care less about squirrels on the damn bird feeder.

  12. Wade Cobb said:

    Not to mention it gums up eventually. Learned that the hard way on a gun

  13. Jon Evans said:

    Never use WD40 in a lock, it collects dirt and messes the pins up inside the tumbler, use graphite

  14. Mark Shipley said:

    Just don’t use it as a lubricant. The “WD” stands for “Water Displacement, and it’s great stuff for drying out wet ignition-system components. It doesn’t have the film strength to properly lubricate components and any squeaks it may cure will return once the light petroleum carrier evaporates. It also attracts dust and dirt.

  15. Martin Hauk said:

    NEVER use WD40 as a lubricant on anything mechanical. It is s WATER DISPERSANT , not a lubricant.

  16. Dennis Pritchett said:

    The best lube for padlocks out in the weather is spray garage door opener chain lube. It works great.

  17. Jon Evans said:

    Best thing for outdoor locks of any kind is graphite. It’s a solid that does not absorb water or dirt but is fine enough to keep everything moving right.
    Garage door lube is basically white lithium grease, still collects dirt and gums up a lock after awhile.

  18. Thomas Carroll said:

    LOL, SHTF Uses… although some are useful in modern day society, like 2 would be useful when the system breaks down… i say to you sir, false advertising… Mind officially unblown

  19. Chad Mcguire said:

    Spray it on birdfeeders? Spray it in your hair to get gum out? Spray it on your drinking glasses to get them unstuck? Spray on your shoes? Spray it in your toilet bowl to clean it? Basically spread it all over the environment. Cause we need WD-40 everywhere. Hey Prepped Survivalist! Since when did you start receiving advertisement money from WD-40? Perhaps have a few more environmentally friendly suggestions than to spray petroleum products all over the place.

  20. Ed Roberts said:

    The price has gone way up on WD-40 and so I now pay just a little more and get the premium stuff! If comes back down I will buy it again but it’s been years since it was the great deal it used to be!

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