15 Clever SHTF Uses for WD-40 That’ll Blow a Prepper’s Mind

WD 40 uses

WD-40 is a supply that most preppers have in their home, but it's likely that they're not utilizing it nearly as much as they could be. The reality is WD-40 has more than a thousand uses, so if you don't have any, it's something you should get ASAP.

WD-40 can be used for virtually anything, making it ideal for when the collapse happens. By memorizing the many ways WD-40 can be put to use preppers can use it to their advantage when hell is breaking loose.

This miracle spray is easy to store, and it also comes in multiple sizes, making it convenient to stick one or two in a bug out bag. It also should be kept in your cabin, car, and anywhere else you spend a lot of time at.

On the next page, find out what some of the most clever WD-40 uses are so you can start preparing yourself for SHTF. You might have heard of some of these hacks, but there's always more to learn!

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  1. Edward Sturm said:

    Clickbait it would be nice if I could get more than 2 pages in without being redirected to another page. And yet another here’s how to save your life article I can’t make it through.

  2. Warren Jinkens said:

    I’m not even going to bother looking at this since they can’t put it on one page.

  3. Keegan Hassan said:

    I didn’t know about the waterproofing shoes and boots, but all else is just stupid

  4. Rob Ritter said:

    Never spray wd40 in a locking mechanism. It gums up, use graphite instead

  5. Jeff Miller said:

    F&$ing bird feeder protection from squirrels are you shitting me? Last time I waste a second on any of your articles…

  6. Tracy Johnson said:

    Yeah, I’m going to worry about those pesky tea stains & squirrels bothering my bird feeder when the$#%&!@*hits the fan! What a joke!

  7. Eric DeWolf said:

    I was just about to say the same, don’t forget about your stuck together glassware! Smh did they even read the article?

  8. Sean Devlin said:

    One time Die Hard Survivor was one of the better prepper pages but now they are posting a steady stream of bollocks.

  9. Bryan Trapp said:

    Yeah this is gay as$#%&!@*and has nothing to do with bugging out.

  10. Charles Dobson said:

    Its at least the 2nd time they posted this one. I remember because someone looked at the photo and thought they were picking a lock with WD-40 smh.

  11. Corey Monroe said:

    This article is…retarded. I could use use WD-40 for anything that requires lubrication or to prevent friction. idk, like to clean my gun and when I run outta lub and the girl says pull out.$#%&!@*that$#%&!@* apply WD-40 works cause it’s non-toxic (so I hope lol).

  12. Brian Little said:

    This post is worthless it’s 90% cleaning tips why would I put it in my b.o.b. So I can clean in an emergency?

  13. Joshua A. Kruth said:

    Ok, who cares about squirrels eating their bird food during a SHTF scenario….just asking?

  14. Trevor King said:

    This is stupid.$#%&!@*is really hitting the fan when the squirrels are eating all your bird food.

  15. Sean Mel said:

    None of these things have anything to do prepping or survival, unless you think scuff marks on the floor or gum in your hair is fatal

  16. Mason T Maloney said:

    And not long subing to this click bait$#%&!@*page. Nothing to do with survival nothing to do with locks


