14 Vital Pieces of Weather Advice From Pioneers


When people are preparing for a SHTF situation, there's usually a lot of reading involved. Usually, it's common that when something occurs to us, we will go online to research it further or purchase a book for our Kindle based on the topic. Having that luxury in our day and age is nice.

However, back in the pioneer days men and women pretty much had to go by word of mouth. They spoke to their neighbors about the weather, consulted the almanac, and they also likely followed the advice that was passed down from grandparents and perhaps even great-grandparents.

We are here to tell you that was considered “modern” back then could become routine again today. Once the grid goes down people are more than likely going to live off the land and the weather is going to play a part in who lives and who dies in a new harsh environment.

Just like the pioneers did, people will again check out weather patterns through a farmer's almanac or use the sage advice of their grandparents. Meteorological information that has been carried down from generation to generation will suddenly become valuable once again.

On the next page allow 14 pieces of weather advice to soak in (pun intended) from the days of the pioneers.

Advice like this could be life-saving when it comes to stormy skies that could potentially ruin a shelter or worse!

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