14 Incredible Uses for Pine Sap When Survivalists Are Living Off the Grid

pine sap

Stockpiling a bug out bag with food, water, tools and supplies is very important. However, if you have to live off the grid for a long time these supplies may run low or you may run out of them completely.

This is why it is vital to your survival to know how useful natural materials can be like pine sap. It has many different uses that are not only fantasizing, they may help you out when SHTF!

The Uses Of Pine Sap Include:

For hardened resin, poke a sharp object into the base of the glob and pry it loose. It’ll break off and fall into your hand or container underneath. That’s when you’ll notice the crystalized form inside which resembles a beautiful piece of amber stone.

Now that you’ve gathered a fair amount, what’s this sticky stuff good for?

A.) Self Aid
Pine sap properties include: antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial
Treat wounds – apply it to cuts like you would super glue. Follow first-aid protocol for cleaning/flushing first.
Stop bleeding – apply a soft glob (heat if necessary) to help stop bleeding.
Treat skin rashes and eczema with ointments,tinctures, and salves.
Chew softer sap straight off the tree like a gum for sore throats and colds. You could pre-make “gum” with these ingredients: bees-wax, pine sap, and honey.
B.) Glue/Epoxy – Pine Pitch
Turn pine resin into pitch sticks.
Hafting arrowheads, fletching arrows and gluing other primitive tools and weapons.
Waterproof boot seams, canoes, and containers.
Patch holes in tents and tarps.

C.) Candling Device
Place globs of dried resin in a fatwood torch to extend its burn time.
Pitch sticks, described above, can be used as a makeshift candles.
Melt sap and soak a cotton bandana or rag wrapped around a stick for a torch.
Melted or liquid sap poured over a dried mullein stalk works as candle/torch.

D.) Fire Craft
Resin is your secret weapon to starting and keeping a fire going in wet conditions.

As you can see the uses for pine sap are practically endless! Who knew it could be used for such a variety of situations. If you forget to put something in your bug out gear or are just completely out of a certain item, chances are pine sap can be used instead. Knowing how to use natural materials like pine sap just might become a prepper's best friend and most useful tool when living off the grid!

For more information on how pine sap can be used when SHTF, visit: Survival Sherpa


  1. Thomas Whitten said:

    Pine sap is the duct tape of the forest. It’ll do a lot for you. Please read this article.

  2. Neil DSam said:

    Only maple tree sap. Not “certain saps”, just maple, hence the name…..Maple Syrup.

  3. Judd Wiggins said:

    Not to mention a reliable antiseptic & can be used as a hot burning fuel (fire).

  4. Ernest Levesque said:

    That stuff is incredable and it is no wonder the Native American gathered in in larg amounts.


