12 Survival Errors That You Should be Aware of That Actually Aren’t Errors at All

primitive shelter

Preparing for the apocalypse is never an easy task. What makes it so much more difficult is that fact that every survivalist you talk to will give you different advice on how you should best prepare, what mistakes you're making, and why you'll die the second you step out into the world when SHTF.

In general, though, there are some ideas that almost all preppers seem to hold true in their minds, even if they are exceptionally misguided.

Most preppers will not have to make use of their preps, and the sad fact is that even the most prepared of us will make a crucial mistake on the day of reckoning.

Whether this mistake is avoidable or not is up to fate, but for some ideas of commonly held “mistakes” that aren't really mistakes at all, take a look at the fascinating points on the next page.

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