12 Items Every Survivalist Should Know How to Make

kettle in wilderness camping

Survival preparation is a constant and ongoing effort and unless you are really careful, can get very, very pricey.

That reality collides with the fact that most of us are not independently wealthy and even if we are making out fine financially, almost everyone lives to their means

That means there is not a lot of extra cash hanging out to throw at survival gear, equipment, materials or supplies.

Add to that the reality that no one is ever fully prepared for a survival crisis.

Life, in general, throws us curve balls. Survival situations, with the stress, fear, anxiety, and chaos, are rife with them.

That is why you have to be able to make it your own way using innovation and the resources around you – or you have to prepare meticulously before the situation occurs.

On the next page, we show you 12 skills or items you should master to make both possible.

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