12 Innovative Uses for Old Socks That Could Come in Handy


Some of these ideas have survival implications, but most of them are just really awesome ways of putting that lonesome, straggler sock to good use.

All of the tips mentioned below can be used daily.

1. Cozies and Hand Warmers: The most obvious that comes to mind is to cut off the ribbing and use as can and glass cozies to absorb condensation. And, it keeps your hands from freezing. For that matter, they could be used over hot beverage containers to keep your hands from burning.

2. Dust Buster: Put your hand inside a cotton sock, spritz with dusting spray (or be cheap like me and use water) and dusting your furniture is a breeze.

3. Umbrella sock: Sometimes I don't want a drippy umbrella in my car, so I fold it up and slip into a large tube sock. It fits better than those teeny nylon bags they come in and absorbs the water. Just remember to take it out and let the umbrella dry when you get home or you will have a moldy umbrella.

4. Floor Protection: If you have big chunky legs on your dining room table and scratches on the floor are a problem, fold a piece of sock and put under each leg. Socks are very thick and will protect your floor and you won't even see them. Or, cut circles of sock and put a stack under the leg if you really don't want to see them.

5. Ice Pack: Fill with crushed ice and put it on that boo boo. You don't need to tie the end shut if the sock is long enough. The ice will stay in the toe.

6. Heat Pack: Fill with rice or dried beans (don't pack it tight, leave a little loose) and sew the end shut. Pop in the microwave for a minute or so (depending on your microwave) and you have a nice, heavy heat pack. And, it's reusable. You could even slip another sock over it that can be washed.

7. Travel: Are you always losing your underwear and other small items in your suitcase? Use a tube sock to keep all your underwear and socks in and you won't be searching for them under shoes.

8. Knitting needle case: Take a tube sock and sew the mouth closed but cut off the toe. Slip it inside another tube sock so they are double thicknesses. Sew the two together and you have a thick case to keep knitting needles that won't poke through. Tie the end shut with a pretty ribbon.

9. Ladder socks: Put socks over ladder legs so it won't mar surfaces. I'm thinking more along the lines of the top arms of an extension ladder to protect a wall that it's leaned against, not the legs it's sitting on. That might prove hazardous.

10. Scrubber: Cut or fold a sock into a square. Fold a plastic mesh bag that oranges come in (I don't throw away anything) into a square and top stitch the two squares together for a kitchen scrubby. Sratchy pad on one side, soft on the other.

11. Neck roll: Sometimes you just need a neck roll or a travel pillow. Stuff a tube sock really well with stuffing (or cut up socks) and sew the end shut for a nice, firm neck roll/travel pillow.

12. Store Candles. Keep taper candles from getting broken or scratched by putting them in socks so they don't roll around the drawer. Store tea candles all in one or sort according to color.

Each of these tips are practical uses for that stray stock; here is another one.

I keep stray socks (any I find in my house that fits my feet) in a box in my closet for use in cold weather – if I am working outside in winter (it can routinely get to -20+ where I live), I put a pair of mismatched socks on under my regular wool socks for added warmth and moisture control.

Do you have ideas for those stray socks? If so, tell us below and for other ideas for stray socks, check out Hub Pages.


  1. Damian Armenta said:

    s**t u just use them to protect ur pistols from getting banged up in ur safe lol


