11 Survival Items You Can’t Afford To Overlook


We all want to be as prepared for a survival situation as possible, but let's face it, there are some things we will forget or overlook.

This list is to help you plan a little more thoroughly and to avoid missing some of those easily overlooked but critical survival items you never miss until you need them.

Overlooked Prep #1: Siphon Tubes.

A manual siphon liquid transfer tube pump is an often overlooked prep for your
vehicles, and you should have at least one in your garage. A siphon tube can help
you in two ways:

1. Getting more gas. The obvious reason to get a siphon tube is that you may
be caught on the road without a gas station, and be able to siphon off gas
from another car. The ah-ha use for a siphon tube is for your shelter. You
may need to siphon gas for heating or cooking!

2. Getting more water. The overlooked use for a siphon tube is to get water.
You may have barrels of life-sustaining water with no access to get to it.

Bottom line: Get two siphon tubes! Get one for water, one for gas, then mark them.
Where you store them is up to you, but in a bugout scenario by car, be sure to pack
them along for the ride.

Overlooked prep 2#: CO Detector.

Most preppers don't realize that the cause of death during an ordinary blackout is
carbon monoxide poisoning.

If it burns, it is emitting carbon monoxide! With an increasing number of state and
local governments passing legislation requiring CO detectors in homes, it’s never
been a better time to safeguard your family against carbon monoxide exposure
than now. Left, the Kidde CO Detector has a carbon monoxide alarm with digital
display to help provide your home with extensive protection against the dangerous
threat posed by this odorless and colorless gas.

When the power goes down, deadly CO emits from:

• camp stoves

• kerosene heaters

• gasoline engines

• gas water heaters

• generators*

• grills

• wood stoves

* Remember to keep generators at least ten feet from your house to avoid carbon monoxide

While you're at it, check your smoke detector because they don't last forever.
Maybe instead of changing the batteries this time around, you just need to
get a new one. Change your detectors every ten years or so.

Overlooked Prep #3: Wall mounted can opener.

The dependability of a wall-mounted can opener is something not to overlook. Since
1938 the swing-a-way can opener, pictured left, have proven to be the highest
quality, most dependable can openers on the market. This can opener mounts to
the wall of your kitchen or pantry, and features a magnetic cling for safe removal of
the lid. It boasts a five-year warranty.

While you're at it, get a bucket opener for your food storage, and military style can
openers for your bugout bag.

Overlooked prep #4: Lock box for your keys.

Another prep easily overlooked is a lock box for your keys. Pictured immediate left is
the lockbox that Realtors often have to show a home while the tenant or owner is
away. If you have a lock box, you won't ever find yourself with no way inside your
home. Of course, you'll have to remember the pass code and teach the whole family
or group. They're also good for stashing the keys to cabinets for your locked preps.

Overlooked prep #5: Instant Cold Pack.

While many preppers pack hand warmers in their bugout bags, an Instant Cold
Pack, as pictured immediate right, has become a much overlooked prep in the first
aid kit. Designed to last about 20 minutes, the goal of an instant cold pack is to
help reduce swelling from an injury when an ice pack is not convenient or available.

Already have one in your first aid kit? Get another! Even if you already have a cold
pack in your first aid kit, likely it's time to get another. Yours may have expired. They
last 18-24 months if kept in a cool, dry place.

So pack an instant cold pack in addition to the instant hand warmers, and you will
be able to ease your pain and suffering from injuries while enjoying the great
outdoors. This cold compress offers fast for relief of pain and swelling caused by
sprains, strains, contusions minor burns, toothaches and insect bites.

Overlooked prep #6: Power Inverter.

Can't afford a generator? Here's another way to get some power! Turn the DC
current from your vehicle into AC current for your survival and communications
gadets. It's the next best thing, if you don't have a generator.

Pictured left in red you'll find the highest review rating of any power inverter brand.
It's a 300W power inverter with 2 USB ports and 2 AC outlets. This is a road trip
must-have with wide range of applications for preppers. Full protection features
and auto-shutdown keep your appliance and car from damage.

Overlooked Prep #7: Surge Protector.

The peace of mind a surge protector brings is immeasurable, especially for those who are prepping for an ElectroMagnetic Pulse. During the Solar Storm of 1889,
telegraph operators suffered electric shock because of the sudden flow of electricity
to their equipment. It not only fried the equipment, but sadly it fried some
operators! The same could happen today if you are using electrical equipment
that's not plugged into a surge protector.

Overlooked Prep #8: Cable ties / zip ties.

With duct tape, WD-40 and SuperGlue a prepper can fix just about anything. Now
add cable ties to the list and a prepper is almost invincible! With cable ties, you can
lash furniture and even make snow tires for a bicycle to survive a “snowpocalypse.”
Cable ties are indispensable!

Overlooked Prep #9: Copper.

Copper is an incredibly overlooked prep for the long term scenario! Not only does
copper have a monetary value, and practical use for preppers to forge tools, but
copper also has an array of healthful benefits! It's also a beautiful metal.

Think of amassing copper as a long-term prepping goal. It's not going to save your
life in a smaller-impact crisis.

Overlooked Prep #10: Pencil Sharpener.

A pencil sharpener is an inexpensive and much overlooked prep. It will help you
make tinder from small twigs. It's so easy to stash a pencil sharpener into your
bugout bag or include one in your Altoids tin survival kit. Keep one in the glove
compartment of your vehicles in addition to your bugout or get home bags.

Want something a little more sophisticated than a pencil sharpener? Right, pictured
in orange, is a Gerber Bear Grylls tinder box. It has a unique tinder cutter with cover
to house the shavings, and in true survival style it also includes a magnifying glass
and emergency signaling mirror. A prepper always needs multi-functional items and
this one delivers! Go ahead and use it for your pencils too.

Overlooked Prep #11: Bidet.

When the toilet paper runs out you'll always have a method of cleansing your
backside if you have a portable bidet and access to clean water! With a bidet you
can take the refreshing cleanse of the genital and anal area.

No matter how much you plan and prepare, you will overlook something.

The trick is to minimize those critical items you forget or do not even realize you will need in a survival situation.

Hopefully, this list helped and if you want to see more commonly overlooked but critical survival items, check out Happy Preppers.



