10 Tips to Creating the Ultimate Survival Kitchen

stockpiling food

Long-term survival, whether bugging in or bugging out, is going to hinge heavily on your ability to store an adequate amount of food and water to make it through the rough times of not having a grid to rely on.

In those circumstances, other people who have failed to prepare are going to be a major threat to you and your family, as hunger can lead even the most kindhearted person to horrible crimes.

It will be very dangerous for you to leave the safety of your home to scavenge for food or supplies, meaning you'll have to make sure you're fully prepared beforehand to ensure this doesn't happen.

A perfect pantry is impossible, but a really good one certainly won't hurt!

Learn how to put the perfect food storage together in the article on the next page.

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  1. Jana Johnson said:

    Your Flamboyant Lunatics premeditated constant Whole World funniest going to STOP?

    NOPE! Not until your in your ETERNITY!

  2. Barbara Carol Cutlip Clevenger said:

    …………..Looks wonderful…The joy of home canning is to stand back , afterward, and enjoy your handy work…..Plus the joy of home canned food…..<3.............


