10 Threats to Overcome During the Collapse. #10 is Terrifying Only if a Prepper is Unprepared!

Post apocalyptic survivor in gas mask

When SHTF happens, it would be nice to stay in our homes where we feel safe and sound. After all, we know where everything is, and our friends and family are nearby.

However, during some SHTF situations such as violence, a natural disaster, or long-lasting power outages we may be forced to bug out and go to our shelter already prepared in the woods.

If you decide to bug out or travel to a bug out location retrieving your vehicle and moving safely to a shelter is wise. However, there are still threats to be wary of that could make traveling just as dangerous as it would be to stay at home.

That why while you're preparing for the apocalypse ahead of time you should not only be aware of what skills are pertinent, as well as what food and tools to pack, but you should also be aware of the potential dangerous that may potentially come your way.

After all, it's better to have an idea of what could happen to you shortly as opposed to being surprised and now knowing how to react and protect yourself.

To read about the potential threats that may come your way while traveling to a bug out location (or even can happen while bugging out) and how to prepare for them, get started with the slideshow link:

#10 is something scary yet important to consider (but if you're prepared you'll be fine)!

Start Slideshow


  1. Debra West said:

    Roving criminals
    No traffic lights
    Lack of sanitation facilities
    Lack of gas
    No vehicle
    No medical facilities
    Extreme weather
    Lack of food and water
    No place to go
    Lack of communications

    You are welcome

  2. Kitty Krueger said:

    The lack of sanitation and bringing your own toilet or bucket, threw me off? You can stand and pee against a tree or squat? How did that make this list?


