10 Survival Beliefs That Are Wrong! Don’t Fall Victim To These Misconceptions

Every movement inevitably builds its own mythology and the survivalist community is no different.

Most myths, urban legends or even just misconceptions do not start out that way, they evolve as they are relayed from person to person.

People tend to exaggerate and over time, even sound advice can get distorted. Mostly, when that happens, it is harmless.

But occasionally, misconceptions if adopted as true, can put a person in a jam during a SHTF moment. In fact, they sometimes can harm a person or even worse.

They are misconceptions about how prepared a person is, how long supplies will last, how difficult it will be to survive a doomsday scenario, who a person can trust, even misconceptions about the water supply – the list is long.

Continue reading and we'll cover some of the most common survivalist misconceptions and what you need to do to cut through the bull and get to the truth.


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