10 Skills a Person Can Easily Trade After the End of the World


We have gone over this before but it bears repeating. When it comes to the potential of a worldwide collapse, when the “end of times” shows itself very early on, there will be a few individuals, like yourself, who have trained for the moment and may do well. It is not just the camping out, learning to handle a rifle, or even walking barefoot in a river to catch food for the masses that will save us all, but little things.

While some of us may not have the skills mentioned above, there are plenty of other things we can do that others might eventually need! While pecking on a computer keyboard may get outdated real quick it would be really nice to have a friend or neighbor with knowledge about household security or even a teacher. Why should our kids become feral just because their school is gone?

Yes, we need to prioritize but that doesn’t mean we cannot use the skills we have, trade them for other things that might make such a crisis tolerable. Check out these ten skills on the next page that a person can easily trade after the end of the world!

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