10 Recipes From the Great Depression You Can Use While Surviving

potato pancakes

Peppers pretty much have one up on everyone else. When the grid goes down, when the SHTF, we will be the ones prepared for whatever may follow. But even then there will be small but important things to consider.

Food for one. Yes, you probably have canned goods, dry goods, and maybe even your own garden. That is all well and good but having the recipes to turn all those good things into something yummy is a must. After all, who knows how long it will be before you can buy something fresh and delicious from your local grocery store. You will need to know what to do with the food you already have!

Go over to the next page and take a look at some great tasting but sincerely delicious recipes that will make the even the hardest to please gourmet sit back and take notice.

Just remember, while you might make do with powdered bouillon and hardtack – your family might want something a little more tasty!

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