10 Primitive Survival Tools that Transformed History

ancient dagger

Which primitive creations do you think should make the list? If you've never heard of some of these primitive weapons, you may want to read up. One day when SHTF and eventually your knives wear down and your guns run out of ammo (even the kind you can make), you may be forced to revert back to primitive weapons. Here are ten that transformed history!

1) Daggers Daggers are small, straight blade weapons, pointy at the top, that date back to primitive times, when they were made of flint or bones. The Bronze Age is when the first copper daggers appeared and it's worth mentioning they were also used in religious ceremonies in addition to hunting and close combat.


2) Fishing hook People have been fishing from almost the dawn of ancient history. Over time, fishing developed and various ways of catching fish, such as spearfishing, using fish traps and, from there, fishing hooks — many which are still used today. These small primitive tools were made from bones, honey locust spines, cactus hooks and even wood.


3) Mortar and Pestle The mortar is nothing but a wooden bowl that you would either carve or use coals to achieve the same result. The pestle is a small club used to mix the substances inside the mortar. They've been used across the globe by Native Americans, Japanese and Aztecs, just to name a few.


4) Atlatls In the modern age, spear throwers (atlatls) were made famous in the Clan of the Cave Bear series by author Jean Auel. Like anything else when it comes to hunting, throwing a spear with an atlatl takes good technique and practice.


5) Primitive Spears

Measuring 7 to 9 feet in length, the Spartans crafted extremely effective and deadly spears, helping ensure Spartan warriors victory in battle. As a back up weapon, was a second sharpened point, on the bottom end of the spear, if the primary spearhead ever broke off.


6) Grain Grinder

Primitive mills were simple. People used a large stone carved on the inside and a second, smaller one. This particular method was used in ancient Palestine and it involved pounding seeds with the smaller stone.


7) Primitive Bows and Arrows

Who among us hasn't made a bow and arrows out of a flexible piece of wood and some cordage? Humans in centuries past used bows and arrows to hunt and to attack or defend from enemies. One way of making a primitive bow that won't crack or break in the middle is to tie 3 saplings together (same wood, same diameter). Heavy woods such as hickory and bamboo are best.


8) The Chinese Fire Lance (Li hua ch'iang in Chinese)

If you've ever wondered what the first firearm looked like, look no further than the power lance — a bamboo tube attached to a spear with some gunpowder in it. Developed in 10th century China, this is as primitive as it gets when it comes to firearms. Sometimes, they would use shrapnel as it would fly the moment of the blast, causing additional damage to the opponent


9) Lassos

There's evidence suggesting Egyptians, Mongols and Huns used lassos. As you probably know, a lasso is a really long rope with a loop at one end. You throw the loop over your running game, then pull back. The loop tightens and helps you catch your prey or whatever or whoever is running away from you.


10) Bellows

Bellows are devices used to produce a strong current of air, typically used to make a fire stronger. According to the book Primitive Arts and Crafts: An Introduction to the Study of Material Culture by Roderick Urwick Sayce, the earliest records of such devices being used date back to Ancient Egypt (1500 BC).

I never thought about the influence of the fire lance! That's pretty remarkable. And I never considered the origins of the lasso before cowboys made it an icon. For more ancient survival tools, check out Secrets of Survival! What else should make this list? Share below!

Featured Image via Ancient Egypt


  1. Scott Ghostman said:

    This will never happen I’m tired of hearing bout shift , riots , Blm , economy’s collapse it’s all hog wash

  2. Ty Mathews said:

    A good blade is never a bad idea to have on hand , firing a weapon in some situations may not be your best option !!


