10 Primitive Survival Skills Every Outdoorsman and Woman Should Learn

man making a campfire

As preppers, we are always trying to hone our survive skills. We know what is important, the pantry of food, the things we pack into our bug-out bags, the water we collect, and the fire we build.

Yet, there are still many beginner survivalists and preppers out there that are disoriented. Then there are seasoned preppers that might have lost their way with the advent of great and wonderful battery powered, solar powered, and electronic gadgetry — from sellers that swear this is the latest and best in survival gear, etc.

After the break, we are going to show you ten (10) essentials that every outdoorsman and outdoorswoman should learn to survive.

These are the basics, things we must all have tucked into the back of our brains should our new-fangled gadgets somehow fail us.

We are not saying the new stuff isn’t great but it’s always nice to have the basics to fall back on!

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  1. EBT said:

    Much appreciation for the work you did on this valuable post.

  2. Wayne Beckstein said:

    Don’t know which planet you live on, but on Earth the sun RISES in the east and SETS in the west.

  3. Peter Wesley said:

    About to unsubscribe from this page and block it. The MISINFORMATION being put out from here coulee get someone hurt and/ or killed.

    Here’s a couple simple thoughts. PROOFREAD & FACT CHECK.

    As noted above the sunesting thing. Really!!!! Also what exactly is WALTER filtration. Simple mistakes that continue article after article. This page is quickly becoming a joke.


