10 Potential Threats to Overcome While Bugging Out. #10 is Surprising!

stop light not working

If a prepper bugs out during a SHTF situation, here are 10 threats they NEED to be prepared for!

When a collapse comes, we all would ideally like to stay in our homes where we feel safe and comfortable.  This is because we know the area and have a better idea of how to handle whatever happens during an emergency event. Some collapse situations such as extreme natural disasters, violence, and long-lasting power outages may force us to bug out and seek shelter somewhere else.

If you bug out, this usually means getting in your vehicle and traveling to a safer area or a shelter that you have already made in preparation. However, there are some really threats you might face when bugging out that could make it just as unpleasant and dangerous as staying home.

That's why when preparing for a disruptive event, you should not only be aware of what supplies, tools, food, and skills you might need, you should also be aware of any possible dangers you may be faced with.

This way you can have an idea of what to do should they happen. So, you can keep yourself and your family as safe as possible!

To learn what potentials threats you may face when bugging out, please head over to the next page where we will tell you everything you need to consider. 

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  1. Michael McMahon said:

    I saw 1 good article from this site a couple months ago and started following. It’s not gonna last much longer….

  2. Dan Conallen said:

    Can we stop every article having to click next page to read it? I’m giving this page 1 more week. He’ll the articles aren’t even written by you …

  3. Freddie Serna said:

    Here’s the thing of you are going to bug out. The fuel in your tank is going to limit you on the distance unless you have extra fuel with you. Most vehicles have a distance of 300-400 miles depending on size of gas tank and mpg your vehicle is rated. This applies to motorcycles as well but more extended miles.

  4. Kevin Hastings said:

    Agreed every time I click next page it tries to redirect me to an app. Yeah I’ll give them another shot then I’m done.

  5. James M Running Wind said:

    Don’t wait for the TV news, you should be paying attention to the streets, you’ll know it’s turn bad yourself.

  6. Thomas Daniel Gunter said:

    These are givens, they are not really the main problem you will have. The authorities may become the biggest enemies as they work feverishly to keep law and order. They will have no way of sorting the bad apples from the good and will tend to treat everyone with fear and suspicion. You will likely have to try and sneak out of town, depending on the crisis. Quarantine, nuclear war, biowarfare to name a few. Travel light taking only what is necessary. If these are your biggest worries given on this site, you can likely stay at your house well armed and be fine.

  7. Karl Erikson said:

    I can’t even.
    So much for this page being a forum for sharing ideas for prepping…if I have to click through a series of #ClickBait bullshit pages, I’ll just unfollow.
    More important$#%&!@*for me to subscribe to rather than this #shitshow.

  8. Matthew Nichols said:

    #10 is surprising simply because they want you to read through the whole thing and see all the advertisements

  9. Al Sims said:

    Well, I’ve had all 10 of those covered for a few years now. How about providing us with something new for a change?

  10. Tommy Luksha said:

    This is nothing more than an advertising waste of time. I am getting so sick of these crap pages.
    Goodbye #diehardsurvivor you have wasted enough of my time.

  11. Carlan Aronson said:

    Not going to click through 5-10 pages of bullshit just to read 10 mediocre survival facts.

  12. Micah Dolim said:

    A bunch of clickbait bullshit.
    I have followed yall long enough..

  13. Granny Nonya said:

    You know, the federal government is always wanting to stick its nose in our personal business. Control our guns, our health care, everything. This is their job. Protect our infrastructure from terrorists. Their job is to secure our borders and protect our country. What the hell are they doing?

  14. Dana Kerr said:

    It is a shame that these must be listed, but maybe it will be of help. 🙂

  15. Tracy Bellar said:

    If it’s a total power out and transportation and communication is out. You are stuck where you are and distance to get to family and pool together would be hindered if not totally out of the question. Not knowing where your family is or where to organize how long to wait. Getting messages to each other.

  16. Andrea Will said:

    I encountered malware when I attempted to go to the third page of this article.

  17. Lina Neighbors Landrum said:

    this is part of why you need a cummunity to bug out with, if possable form a corperation, buy land and everybody work on getting it ready. Then you have a place to go. Then you need to make sure your bug-out plan has a back up plan and the back up plan has a back up plan. My brothers and sister have at least 3 bug out places. This way we only have to carry our wepons and water to get to any of them, with only one stop.

  18. MB Wax said:

    Traffic light out = stop sign. Solved that problem. But then again, if people don’t know the traffic laws now, they definitely won’t give a rats$#%&!@*when SHTF

  19. Dakoda Trimmer said:

    “Everything you need to know is on the next page.”…

    Then it only shows two of 10 and follow with more pages each only containing 2 “threats”… Starting to dislike the page..

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