10 Insanely Creative Ways for People to Utilize Old Medicine Bottles for Doomsday

empty medicine bottle

Many of us have empty medicine bottles in our home, here are some really creative ways to use them when SHTF!

Most preppers know how important it is to find new ways to use old items. We may use empty cans or bottles to hold new supplies. Another item that we all  have a ton of are empty medicine bottles. You might be surprised by how useful they can really be.

Those medicine bottles you have been forgetting to throw away are in reality perfect for storing little items such as first aid supplies. What makes them ideal is that they will not take up much space and you can even fit one of these small emergency kits in your pocket!

If you put those old medicine bottles to good use, you never know how valuable they can be during a SHTF situation.

To learn all the truly creative things you can do with old medicine bottles, please visit the next page.

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  1. Bob Belles said:

    I use them to store .22lr ammo. I have small bottles of 50 ends and larger ones for 100 or 150 ends. Quick and easy to grab and water resistant too.

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