10 Creative Ways for Survivalists to Utilize Old Medicine Bottles

empty medicine bottle

If you have a lot of old medicine bottles, here are some truly amazing ways you can use them to prepare for the collapse!

One thing everyone preppers learns soon after they start preparing is to re-use anything you can to store your supplies.

One of the things that have many uses you may have not even considered is all those old medicine bottles you have lying around in your house.

They are small, lightweight and can be reused for just about anything you might need as a prepper from medical supplies to starting a fire in a pinch.

Re-using everything you have on hand is an essential skill for any prepper and medicine bottles definitely can come in handy for more than just pills.

So, if you have tons of them, don't toss them, fill them up with supplies in these creative ways!

You'll be really glad you did!

To find out all of the creative ways you can use old medicine bottles when prepping, visit the next page where you will learn just how useful they can be. 

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  1. Kevin Fisher said:

    as a knife collector, I put in a knife and a dessicant pack (to prevent rust) and stack them in a lock box

  2. Ernest Levesque said:

    I use some to hold air rifle pellets they are easier to open and carry then the can many pellets are sold in. Also good for holding fishing lures.

  3. Ron Bonneau said:

    Great for small batteries, vitamins, I use them to put sunflower seeds in when hiking trails or even trail mix, also everything mentioned.

  4. Chris Dunn said:

    Uses for old pill bottles:

    In my bug out bag: one for matches (with strikers from match boxes), mini survival kit, mini first aid kit, paracord, sewing kit, batteries, bullets, salt and pepper packets, etc.

    In my vehicle: Plackers (dental cleaners), gum, cough drops, batteries, paracord, fuses, spare ear buds, spare charger cords for phone and tablet, etc.

    At home: Ear buds (keeps each set of ear buds from getting tangled), spare charger cords, kitty treats, toothpicks, paracord parts (skulls, beads, hex nuts), etc

  5. Damian Lay said:

    I use these in my shower kit for q-tips, flossers and however many days of my daily meds I’ll need.

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