10 Awe-Inspiring Underground Homes Any Survivalist Would Want as Their Own

cave house

When we think about our futures, anticipating the grid going down and chaos ensuing, we have a couple of real options. We either bug in, living in the house we already have, or bug-out, running to safety, to a home somewhere “out there.”

As preppers we can do either because we have already put ourselves in the mindset of canning, building, preventing and living the best life we can under SHTF circumstances. We may not have a choice in a lot of things but where we decide to live is one thing we can choose!

Now, for those who are determined to bug-out but are not altogether sure how you should be living, whether you have set land aside or not, we are giving you some exceptional home ideas here.

If money is no object you can really go to town, building an in-ground home. There are talented builders out there that can take on the job or, if you want to do it yourself, take some serious notes! If cash is an issue, the ideas are still there!

The homes over on the next page are all truly exceptional looking and were built with care and consideration. You'll be drooling with envy!

Think solar panels, keeping the place cool when the heat is over 100 degrees or warm when it gets below zero, having a generator – and maybe even some oxygen? Any way you look at it, bugging out done right can be a luxury!

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  1. Destin Swartz said:

    These are awesome. However, you missed one of the best ones out there… and I hear it’s for sale. As Off Grid and beautiful as anyone has seen.

  2. Dustin Dubree said:

    I used to work out of that cave in Festus Mo many years ago when it was home to the sanitation dept of the area. It is amazingly huge inside, you could fit diesel trucks in it.


