(Video) Urban Survival Concepts Every Prepper Should Learn Before the Grid Goes Down

urban survival skills

As a prepper, you know all about survival in the wilderness. But does your knowledge extend to urban survival as well?

When doomsday happens in the city, you may very well be stuck. It’s essential to know exactly what you need to do, no matter where you are when SHTF.

Think about the horror that can occur in an urban environment: riots in the streets, natural disasters that wipe out large portions of the populations, and make escape almost impossible, terrorist attacks that center on populated areas…

The list is endless, and you won’t exactly have the luxury of hiding out when you’re surrounded by other people.

So what do you do? This prepper has got advice for all of your urban survival questions. Take a look on the next page!

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  1. Heather Stanley said:

    Jason James, we do need to update our survival gear just in case$#%&!@*goes down… at least figure out what all we have n what we need now that were not scattered all over the place 🙂 get our bug out bags in order 😉


