(Video) They Test a $1 Knife VS a $400 Knife – It’s a Battle to the Death!


As we all know, a knife will probably be one of the most important weapons and tools you will have when the SHTF. Or for that matter, in any survival situation. If you find yourself in the wilderness you will need a knife for chopping, cutting, slicing, and poking away at many things.  Take a look:


As enjoyable as this video is it does make some very good points. While the “crappy kitchen knife” was not exactly a survivor’s go-to knife it did do some things that could be beneficial for a survivor. It takes more work and concentration but, without the aid of the $400.00 knife, it can be done.

However, the point is you probably will want to invest in a good knife. Maybe not a $400.00 knife like the guys in the video but a really good one that fits your budget! The better the knife the more it can do and, when surviving, you want to be equipped with quality!


  1. Eli Garcia said:

    You’re a fool if you spend $400 on a knife. A $10 knife stabs all the same.

  2. Paul Lassonde said:

    After reading your stupid tread on surviving a nuclear blast I’m not even reading this one and I’m seriously thinking of dropping this page entirely .

  3. Stanley Efird said:

    YEP this is stupid, no way I’m paying $400 for a knife unless it can cook supper and do the dishes i have some that’s a lot cheaper and can do everything i need

  4. Stanley Efird said:

    YEP you can gut a pig just as easy with the $1 as you can with the $400 one

  5. Chris Brown said:

    Quit watching stupid people do stupid things with knives. Use a knife for what it was made for and a $1 knife is perfectly fine.

  6. Thomas Whitten said:

    The best knife is the one on you. Use it within it’s capabilities and what it was designed for and you’ll be fine. Take it outside it’s design and you get a stupid user, not a crappy knife.


