(Video) There Are Endless Amount of Bushcraft Supplies to Make All With the Help of a Piece of Wood!

useful parts of wood

Wood is one natural resource that's found just about everywhere. Where you can find an abundance of trees, you can find an abundance fallen branches which can be used for many hacks and tricks. We got a cool new video from Bushcraft that you've gotta check out!

We got a cool new video from Bushcraft that you've gotta check out!

This cool video demonstrates a handful of uses for tree branches. You will learn how to make a harvesting hook, a wood mallet, cordage, and more. Everything featured in this video is easy to make and doesn't require a lot of supplies.

Everything featured in this video is easy to make and doesn't require a lot of supplies.

Ready to be inspired? Check out the video on the next page.

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  1. Julia Swan Danner said:

    I was genuinely interested to see how many ways I could I survive with just one piece of food.


