(Video) Shop at Thrift Stores for Survival Gear and Get Quality Supplies at Excellent Prices. Here’s How:

thrift store shopping

Warning: The video on the next page is lengthy, but if you are trying to build a survival supply of materials and equipment on a limited budget, it is well worth laboring through.

Ideally, all of us could run out to whatever store we wanted, buy the survival stuff we wanted and pay no attention to price, budget or total cost.

Some can do that. And then there are the other 99% of us.

We have to be cost aware and make sure that we need what we buy if for no other reason than to make sure we can afford to buy what we want when it becomes available.

One great source of survival items that are decent quality at a great price are at thrift stores.

To see just a few things you can buy if you shop around and shop sensibly at thrift stores, check out the next page.

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One Comment;

  1. Eddy Gurney said:

    Yup I get great stuff all the time ….I mean just kidding don’t shop there.


