(Video) New to Living Off the Grid? Here Are 10 Super Helpful Supplies a Prepper Should Always Have On Hand!

Survival Items

Different kinds of preppers will give you different lists on what they feel will be the most important items to have stored away just in case we are faced with a chaotic situation.

Remember that can mean anything from the grid going down to a hurricane in your neck of the woods.

If you look closely, many of these lists are similar, but there are always fresh ideas that jump out at us, things we had not considered.

We thank Black Scout Survival for giving us a couple of items, easily found in our local grocery or hardware store, to aid in our return to civilization!

These supplies over on the next page are super helpful. Even if many look familiar to you just use them as a confirmation that what you are doing is right and move along to the next.

For the first time prepper (and even the seasoned preppers), this list is invaluable! So go on over and watch this important video that could save you and your family’s life!

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One Comment;

  1. Bill Thuem said:

    I’ve decided to bug in. I got too much stuff to carry to bug out. I’ll just keep stocking up on food and ammo !!!


