(Video) Must Have Communication Systems for a Survival Environment


One area of survival that almost everyone overlooks, at least in terms of rational preparation, is the ability to communicate.

Unless you live in a remote area, where human beings are rare sights, communications is possibly one of the most important tools you have at your survival disposal.

Not being able to communicate, or to get information beyond your immediate vicinity, can be as dangerous as not being prepared for a survival situation when it hits.

A good example is the accounts of armies and navies in colonial and early America who were decimated by unforeseen weather events like hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes and even hot or cold snaps.

In fact, the National Weather Service was set up in part as a system to warn of impending weather events that were moving West to East.

To learn the best communications systems you should have in a survival situation, check out the video on the next page.

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