(VIDEO) How to Go About Getting Food From a Prickly Pear Cactus

prickly pear food

Check out this great trick for removing the prickly parts of a prickly pear! If you live in the desert and would like to make use of the cactus and eat from them, you should watch this video. A trick like this could save you from starving and also provide you with some much-needed water from the fruit that's inside. What this prepper shows us how to do is pretty cool!

There you have it – just hope you've got a fire source handy or you'll be pulling out glochids for hours! Once you have this mastered, you'll be able to add this new skill to your survival list. And trust me — it'll come in handy when SHTF!

Do you have any other suggestions for obtaining food from pricky pears? Share below!



